Siniša Ilić / Paviljon
Galerija Doma omladine, Beograd
Paviljon je izmeštena zgrada, prostor često namenjen trenucima zadovoljstva, mira, skretanja misli od dominantnih tema velikog sveta. U ovom Paviljonu nailazimo na crtež, sliku, tri fotografije, pronađene objekte – četiri stolice i sto. Krećemo se kroz ‘dokaze vremena’, slike napuštene fabričke proizvodnje, malecne fotografske narative, kolorističke senzacije i siluetu metafore društva. Neke od tih slika vraćaju sećanje na eksploataciju i strah od neuspeha. Na ovom mestu bega promišaljamo sopstvene dileme, ideje o budućnosti i utopiji. Paviljon je prostor namenjen kontemplaciji, trenucima u kojima možemo promišljati našu egzistenciju i njene alternative.
Siniša Ilić
Pavilion is a detached building, space often devoted to moments of pleasure, peace, diverting thoughts from the dominant topics of the great world. In this Pavilion we encounter a drawing, painting, three photographs, found objects – four chairs and a table. We are moving through ‘evidences of time’, images of abandoned factories, the tiny photographic narratives, coloristic sensations and silhouette metaphor of a society. Some of these images bring back memories of exploitation and fear of failure. At this place of escape, we can think through our dilemmas, ideas of future and utopias. The Pavilion is a place dedicated to contemplation, moments in which we can reflect on our existence and its alternatives.
Siniša Ilić
Siniša Ilić (Beograd 1977) je likovni umetnik koji svoju praksu realizuje i kroz projekte izvođačkih umetnosti. U formi crteža, slike, prostornih instalacija, i videa bavi se društvenim fenomenima i mehanizmima, istražujući forme rada, tenzija u društvu, nasilja i nestabilnih situacija. Sarađuje sa različitim autorima na nizu projekata. Među osnivačima je TkH (Teorija koja hoda) umetničko teorijske platforme iz Beograda. Dobitnik nagrade Mangelos. Umetničke razidencije: MQ21, Beč; Kulturvermittlung, Steiremark, Grac; Akademie der Kunste der Welt, Keln; Tate Modern, London; Kamov Rijeka; KulturKontakt, Beč; ISCP, Njujork, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Štutgart. Izlagao u: Georges Pompidou Centar, Kadist Fondacija, Pariz; Tate Modern, Calvert 22 i Fordham, London; Residency Unlimited, Njujork; 3 Uralsko bijenale, Jekaterinburg, Lofoten Festival, Norveška; Open Space, Beč; kulturni Centar Beograda, Muzej savremene umetnosti, Beograd; Galerija Nova, Zagreb; Memorijal Nadežde Petrović, Čačak, DEPO, Istanbul; Mestni Muzej, Metelkova, Ljubljana, Arsenal Galerija, Bijalistok; Tennis Palace, Helsinki.
Siniša Ilić (b.1977 Belgrade) is a visual artist working also in the field of performance art. His work includes drawing, painting, installation and video and his practice addresses social phenomena and mechanisms, exploring forms of labor, tension, social violence and states of uncertainty. Ilić collaborates with various artists and authors on a range of projects. He is a co-founder of TkH (Walking Theory) art and theory platform from Belgrade. He received Mangelos Award. Artist in residence MQ21, Vienna; Kulturvermittlung Steiremark, Graz; Akademie der Kunste der Welt, Köln; Tate Modern, London; Kamov, Rijeka; KulturKontakt, Vienna; ISCP, New York, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart.
He showed his works at: Georges Pompidou Center, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris; Tate Modern, Calvert 22 and Fordham London; Residency Unlimited, New York; 3 Ural biennial, Yekaterinburg; Lofoten festival, Norway; Open Space, Vienna; Belgrade Cultural Centre, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade; Nova Gallery, Zagreb; Nadežda Petrović Memorial, Čačak; DEPO, Istanbul; Mestni Muzej, Metelkova, Ljubljana; Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok; Tennis Palace, Helsinki.