Dejan Kaludjerović / Klikeri
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Iz serije: Razgovori: hulahop, lastiš, klikeri i pesak
Sedmokanalna zvučna instalacija + 30777 klikera
Promenljive dimenzije, 46’
Instalacija Klikeri, osmišljena za izložbu Nevidljivo nasilje, jedna je od site-specific instalacija iz serije Razgovori: hulahop, lastiš, klikeri i pesak, izvedenih u različitim delovima sveta. Svaka instalacija nastala je u nekom odnosu prema sopstvenoj lokaciji i prati je zvučni rad emitovan sa 6 – 7 zvučnika (svaki zvučnik prenosi glas jednog deteta); deca govore/odgovaraju na pitanja o političkim problemima kao što su društveno isključivanje i uključivanje, o strancima, jeziku, ratu, novcu, siromaštvu…
Instalacija je izvedena od 30777 staklenih klikera, a to je broj dečaka i devojčica rođenih iste godine i u istom gradu kao sedmoro intervjuisane dece. To su školska deca stara između 7 i 9 godina, različitog porekla – s različitim etničkim, socijalnim i kulturnim zaleđem. U postprodukciji snimljenog materijala postavljena pitanja su izostavljena, a jedino su odgovori dece montirani tako da kreiraju narativ. Slušajući zvučnu podlogu instalacije posetilac ima utisak da sluša razgovor između ovih sedam dečaka i devojčica.
Moja je namera da reflektujem i preispitujem ideološke, kulturne i društveno-političke matrice koje se deci nameću u porodici, kroz obrazovanje i medije, ali i njihova razmišljanja o pomenutim pitanjima.
From the series: Conversations: Hula Hoops, Elastics, Marbles and Sand
7 channel sound installation + 30777 marbles
Variable dimensions, 46’
The installation Marbles conceived for Invisible Violence exhibition is one of the site-specific installations from a series Conversations: Hula Hoops, Elastics, Marbles and Sand, produced in different parts of the world. Each installation is made in relation to the local site and accompanied with a sound piece emitted from 6 – 7 speakers (each speaker for the voice of one child); the children are narrating/answering questions about political issues such as social exclusion and inclusion, about foreigners, language, war, money, poverty.
This installation is produced with 30777 glass marbles, which are equal to the number of boys and girls born in the same years and the same towns as the seven interviewed children. These are 7 to 9 year olds, school children with different ethnic, social and cultural backgrounds. In the post- production of the recorded material, the questions asked are omitted and only the children’s answers are edited to create a narrative. Listening to the sound of the installation the spectator has the impression that he/she is listening to a conversation between these seven children.
My intention is to reflect and question both the ideological, cultural and socio-political patterns that are imposed on children through the family, education and media as well as their reasoning about the given topics.